Cherwell plugin has several steps for operations on Cherwell.
Compatibilitry: Cherwell plugin steps have been tested on Cherwell Version 9.4
When Cherwell REST APIs are called simultaneously, due to multiple requests with the same username, password and api key, the API starts giving ‘invalid_grant: badrequest’ error.
To handle this error, add highlighted line in the web.conig file of CherwellAPI.
<add key="DisableMessageThrottling" value="true" />
<add key="TrebuchetDataSource" value="[Common]Cherwell Browser" />
<add key="SamlBaseUri" value="your web api base uri(https://domain/CherwellApi" />
Error Message Display Properties when run with Process Studio:
Cherwell Delete Record step is used to delete records in Cherwell Business Objects (Forms) (For example close an incident if it is resolved or to keep a ticket open if not resolved yet).
Field Name
Step Name
Name of the step. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
Base URL of Cherwell. This field is mandatory.
User Name
Cherwell username. This field is mandatory.
Accept Value as variable/static
Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list.
Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.
Provide the Cherwell Password for the user. Password is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text Var(static value or environment variable) and Combo(drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory.
If checkbox above is enabled Password field appears as Text Var. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.
Client ID
Provide a Cherwell Client ID. Client ID is used to communicate to Cherwell instance. This field is mandatory.
CSM Administrator (Orange client) and CSM client (Blue client) tools can be installed for administration and development purposes. Generate a Cherwell client ID from Orange Client using the navigation,
CSM Administrator toolSecurity REST API clients.
Button: Test Connection
Verifies whether the connection is available or not.
Base URL, Username, Password, Client ID fields are mandatory. If no values are provided or some values are missing then it will display the validation error message.
Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed. Static values and environment variables are allowed.
Input Fields:
Field Name
Form Name
Specify the Cherwell form name/Business Object from which the record details will be fetched. This field is mandatory.
Button: Get Forms
On click of this button, it populates the forms of the connected Cherwell Server depending on Access/Permissions of the user. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
Select a form to populate it into the Form Name field.
Business Object
Public ID/RecID
Cherwell Business Object PublicID/RecID. This field is mandatory.
Common Buttons:
Field Name
On click of this button. It will check the field values. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.
On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values
Result: |
There is no explicit output Result field in this plugin. Plugin results weather success or error can be captured using Set Workflow Result. Errors can be captured in error handling as discussed in Appendix 1: Error Handling in IT Plugins to make the error message visible on AutomationEdge Requests. |
Cherwell Download Attachment step is used to download attachments from Cherwell Business Objects (Forms) on a provided Business Object Rec ID or Public ID. (For example close an incident if it is resolved or to keep a ticket open if not resolved yet).
Field Name
Step Name
Name of the step. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
Specify URL to access Cherwell. This field is mandatory.
User Name
Cherwell username. This field is mandatory.
Accept Value as variable/static
Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list.
Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.
Provide the Cherwell Password for the user. Password is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text Var(static value or environment variable) and Combo(drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory.
If checkbox above is enabled Password field appears as Text Var. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.
Client ID
Provide a Cherwell Client ID. Client ID is used to communicate to Cherwell instance. This field is mandatory.
CSM Administrator (Orange client) and CSM client (Blue client) tools can be installed for administration and development purposes. Generate a Cherwell client ID from Orange Client using the navigation,
CSM Administrator toolSecurity REST API clients.
Button: Test Connection
Verifies whether the connection is available or not.
Base URL, Username, Password, Client ID fields are mandatory. If no values are provided or some values are missing then it will display the validation error message.
Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed. Static values and environment variables are allowed.
Input Fields:
Field Name
Form Name
This holds the Cherwell form name from which the record details will be fetched. This field is mandatory.
Button: Get Forms
On click of this button, it populates the forms of connected Cherwell Server depending on Access/Permissions of the user. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
Select a form to populate it into the Form Name field.
Business Object
Public ID/RecID
Cherwell Business Object PublicID/RecID. This field is mandatory.
Output Folder Path
Specify a folder path where files are to be downloaded or browse for a folder using the Browse File… button. Alternatively, when the folder path is coming from an input stream, you may select the field containing the folder path from the drop down list
Button: Browse Folder
This is the button to browse for a folder to download to a Cherwell Business Object file.
Delete Output Folder Contents before downloading
Allowed values: ‘Yes’, ‘No’. Specify Yes to delete output folder contents before downloading else Specify No.
Add Date TimeStamp for Duplicate Files
Allowed values: ‘Yes’, ‘No’. Specify Yes to add
Date TimeStamp for Duplicate Files.
Add File To Result
Allowed values: ‘Yes’, ‘No’. Specify Yes to add
file to result set and display download link on AE otherwise else select No.
Output Tab:
Field Name
Total Files
Specify a field name to store the total number of files in the Cherwell Business Object. This field is mandatory.
Downloaded Files
Specify a field name to store the number of Downloaded Files.
This field is mandatory.
Overwritten Files
Specify a field name to store the number of Overwritten Files in the output folder. This field is mandatory.
Result: |
There is no explicit output Result field in this plugin. Plugin results weather success or error can be captured using Set Workflow Result. Errors can be captured in error handling as discussed in Appendix 1: Error Handling in IT Plugins to make the error message visible on AutomationEdge Requests. |
Common Buttons:
Field Name
On click of this button. It will check the field values. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.
On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values
Cherwell input step gets Cherwell records based on the form name and query criteria provided. It returns the form field values for fields specified in the output Field Name.
Field Name
Step Name
Name of the step. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
Specify URL to access Cherwell. This field is mandatory.
Cherwell username. This field is mandatory.
Provide the Cherwell Password for the user. Password field value is encrypted (*****) and also stored in encrypted format in the psw file. This field is mandatory.
Client ID
Provide a Cherwell Client ID. Client ID is used to communicate to Cherwell instance. This field is mandatory.
CSM Administrator (Orange client) and CSM client (Blue client) tools can be installed for administration and development purposes. Generate a Cherwell client ID from Orange Client using the navigation,
CSM Administrator toolSecurity REST API clients.
Button: Test Connection
Verifies whether the connection is available or not.
URL, Username, Password, Client ID fields are mandatory. If no values are provided or some values are missing then it will display the validation error message.
Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed. Static values and environment variables are allowed.
Input Fields:
Field Name
Form Name
This holds the Cherwell Form/Business Object/ for which the record details will be fetched. This field is mandatory.
Button: Get Forms
On click of this button, it populates the forms of connected Cherwell Server depending on Access/Permissions of the user. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
Select a form to populate it into the Form Name field.
Criteria Query
Specify the criteria query in json format.
Following, is a sample json with two conditions. The first condition is ‘Status’ equals (eq) ‘Assigned’ and the second statement is ‘Created Date Time’ later than(lt) ‘6/20/2016 8:59:17 PM’.
"displayName": "Status","operator": "eq","value": "Assigned"
"displayName": "Created Date Time","operator": "lt","value": "6/20/2016 8:59:17 PM"
This criteria query will filter rows fulfilling the two conditions below.
Fetch Records Batch Size
Default Records Batch Size is 10. Specify the batch size to fetch records. These fetched records in the batch are then available to the next step in workflow while the next batch is being fetched in this step. Thus, parallel execution of records is achieved. This should be a positive number.
Output Fields:
Field Name
Output Fields:
Field Name
The name of the fields fetched from the business object as per Criteria Query.
On click of this column field, it will open a dialog with the list of available form fields of the provided Business Object Name.
Output Field
Specify an output field name for containing Cherwell field values.
Select Yes/No from the Drop down list.
If a field in a Business object accepts Rich Text Format (RTF) input (Text and images) then such input is stored in HTML format internally. To fetch the stored content in RTF (in html format) you may select Yes. If Yes is selected for fields that do not have RTF input it returns null.
Some examples of business object fields accepting RTF input are, Incident: Description, Change: Description, Problem: Description, Knowledge Article: Body Text.
Result: | ||
There is no explicit output Result field in this plugin. Plugin results weather success or error can be captured using Set Workflow Result. Errors can be captured in error handling as discussed in Appendix 1: Error Handling in IT Plugins to make the error message visible on AutomationEdge Requests. |
Common Buttons:
Field Name
On click of this button. It will check the field values. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.
On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values
Cherwell Insert record step is used to create a record in a particular Cherwell Business Object (Form). It creates a new record with for the provided form name and field values on specified Cherwell Server. It returns the Public ID/RecID and Result as output.
Field Name
Step Name
Name of the step. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
Specify URL to access Cherwell. This field is mandatory.
User Name
Cherwell username. This field is mandatory.
Accept Value as variable/static
Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list.
Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.
Provide the Cherwell Password for the user. Password is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text Var(static value or environment variable) and Combo(drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory.
If checkbox above is enabled Password field appears as Text Var. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.
Client ID
Provide a Cherwell Client ID. Client ID is used to communicate to Cherwell instance. This field is mandatory.
CSM Administrator (Orange client) and CSM client (Blue client) tools can be installed for administration and development purposes. Generate a Cherwell client ID from Orange Client using the navigation,
CSM Administrator toolSecurity REST API clients.
Button: Test Connection
Verifies whether the connection is available or not.
Base URL, Username, Password, Client ID fields are mandatory. If no values are provided or some values are missing then it will display the validation error message.
Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed. Static values and environment variables are allowed.
Input Fields:
Field Name
Form Name
This holds the Cherwell form name from which the record details will be fetched. This field is mandatory.
Button: Get Forms
On click of this button, it populates the forms of connected Cherwell Server depending on Access/Permissions of the user. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
Select a form to populate it into the Form Name field.
Accept Fields as JSON
Enable checkbox to accept field names as JSON input.
If ‘Accept Fields as JSON’ checkbox is enabled this field is activated. Choose a field containing the JSON text. JSON text should contain key-value pairs enclosed by double quotes (“) enclosure. Provide all the required or mandatory fields as well as other fields to be inserted as as keys in the JSON.
Note: The JSON could be from any input step such as Generate rows, Text File input, Excel Input Et al. In Cherwell steps JSON text can only be accepted from input fields from previous steps and not as files directly.
Sample JSON text for inserting a single Knowledge Article record:
Following is a sample JSON for inserting a record in Knowledge Article form. This JSON text has five key-value pairs denoting fields and their values to populate five fields. In this Cherwell instance Service and Title are mandatory for Knowledge Article Business Object.
Note: Lookup field values must exactly match existing values in the Cherwell instance.
JSON text:
"displayName": "Service",
"value": "IT Service Desk"
"displayName": "Title",
"value": "Test_KA5"
"displayName": "Category",
"value": "Request Help"
"displayName": "SubCategory",
"value": "Submit Service Request"
"displayName": "Keywords",
"value": "Test for KA"
"displayName": "Visible to Customer Portal",
"value": "False"
"displayName": "Article Type",
"value": "How To"
Sample JSON text for inserting an Incident record:
Following is a sample JSON for inserting a record in Incident form. This JSON text has five key-value pairs denoting fields and their values to populate three fields. In this Cherwell instance Description, Short Description, Priority, Owned By and Customer ID are mandatory for Incident Business Object.
Note: Lookup field values must exactly match existing values in the Cherwell instance.
"displayName": "Description",
"value": " Computer is Slow "
"displayName": "Short Description",
"value": " Cannot open office applications "
"displayName": "Priority",
"value": "1"
"displayName": "Owned By",
"value": "Andrew"
"displayName": "Customer ID",
"value": "123"
Table Fields:
Variable Field Name
This is an optional field. Choose a field in input stream from drop down list or provide a user or system defined variable.
Static Field Name
On click of this column field, it opens a dialog with the list of available form fields of the provided Form Name.
The name of the fields to be inserted should be selected. Multiple fields can be selected from the list displayed on click. The selected field’s values below will be inserted in the Business object form.
Field Value
Provide field values to be inserted in the corresponding chosen fields.
Output Tab:
Field Name
Specify a field name to return the RecID created with the input fields and field values provided. This field is mandatory.
Public ID
Specify a field name to return the Business Object Public ID created with the input fields and field values provided. This field is mandatory.
Result: |
There is no explicit output Result field in this plugin. Plugin results weather success or error can be captured using Set Workflow Result. Errors can be captured in error handling as discussed in Appendix 1: Error Handling in IT Plugins to make the error message visible on AutomationEdge Requests. |
Common Buttons:
Field Name
On click of this button. It will check the field values. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.
On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values
Cherwell Update Record is used to update Cherwell Business Objects (Forms). For example Cherwell Update record may be used to update an incident (i.e. to close an incident if resolved or to keep an incident open if not resolved yet).
Field Name
Step Name
Name of the step. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
Specify URL to access Cherwell. This field is mandatory.
User Name
Cherwell username. This field is mandatory.
Accept Value as variable/static
Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list.
Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.
Provide the Cherwell Password for the user. Password is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text Var(static value or environment variable) and Combo(drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory.
If checkbox above is enabled Password field appears as Text Var. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.
Client ID
Provide a Cherwell Client ID. Client ID is used to communicate to Cherwell instance. This field is mandatory.
CSM Administrator (Orange client) and CSM client (Blue client) tools can be installed for administration and development purposes. Generate a Cherwell client ID from Orange Client using the navigation,
CSM Administrator toolSecurity REST API clients.
Button: Test Connection
Verifies whether the connection is available or not.
Base URL, Username, Password, Client ID fields are mandatory. If no values are provided or some values are missing then it will display the validation error message.
Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed. Static values and environment variables are allowed.
Input Fields:
Field Name
Form Name
This holds the Cherwell form name from which the record details will be fetched. This field is mandatory.
Button: Get Forms
On click of this button, it populates the forms of connected Cherwell Server depending on Access/Permissions of the user. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
Select a form to populate it into the Form Name field.
Business Object Public ID/RecID
Cherwell Business Object PublicID/RecID. This field is mandatory.
Accept Fields as JSON
Enable checkbox to accept field names as JSON input.
About JSON text:
If ‘Accept Fields as JSON’ checkbox is enabled this field is activated. Choose a field containing the JSON text. JSON text should contain key-value pairs enclosed by double quotes (“) enclosure. Provide all the required or mandatory fields as well as other fields to be inserted as as keys in the JSON.
Note: The JSON could be from any input step such as Generate rows, Text File input, Excel Input Et al. In Cherwell steps JSON text can only be accepted from input fields from previous steps and not as files directly.
Sample JSON text for inserting a single Knowledge Article record:
Following is a sample JSON for inserting a record in Knowledge Article form. This JSON text has five key-value pairs denoting fields and their values to populate five fields. In this Cherwell instance Service and Title are mandatory for Knowledge Article Business Object.
Note: Lookup field values must exactly match existing values in the Cherwell instance.
JSON text:
"displayName": "Service",
"value": "HR Service Desk"
"displayName": "Title",
"value": "Test_KA10"
"displayName": "Category",
"value": "Request leave Rules"
"displayName": "SubCategory",
"value": "Submit Service Request"
"displayName": "Keywords",
"value": "Test for KA"
"displayName": "Visible to Customer Portal",
"value": "False"
"displayName": "Article Type",
"value": "How To"
Sample JSON text for updating an Incident record:
Following is a sample JSON for updating two records in Incident form. This JSON text has three key-value pairs denoting three fields and their values to update three fields. In this Cherwell instance Description, Short Description, Priority, Owned By and Customer ID are mandatory for Incident Business object.
Note: Lookup field values must exactly match existing values in the Cherwell instance.
"displayName": "Description",
"value": "Computer is Slow_updated"
"displayName": "Short Description",
"value": "Cannot open office applications_updated"
"displayName": "Priority",
"value": "1"
"displayName": "Owned By",
"value": "Andrew"
"displayName": "Customer ID",
"value": "123"
Table Fields:
Variable Field Name
This is an optional field. Choose a field in input stream from drop down list or provide a user or system defined variable.
Select Field Name
On click of this column field, it opens a dialog with the list of available form fields of the provided Form Name.
The name of the fields to be updated should be selected. Multiple fields can be selected from the list displayed on click. The selected field’s values below will be updated in the Business object form.
Field Value
Provide field values to be inserted in the corresponding chosen fields.
Result: |
There is no explicit output Result field in this plugin. Plugin results weather success or error can be captured using Set Workflow Result. Errors can be captured in error handling as discussed in Appendix 1: Error Handling in IT Plugins to make the error message visible on AutomationEdge Requests. |
Common Buttons:
Field Name
On click of this button. It will check the field values. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.
On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values.
Cherwell Upload Attachment step is used to upload a file to a Cherwell Business Object using the Public ID/RecID.
Field Name
Step Name
Name of the step. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.
Specify URL to access Cherwell. This field is mandatory.
User Name
Cherwell username. This field is mandatory.
Accept Value as variable/static
Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list.
Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.
Provide the Cherwell Password for the user. Password is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text Var(static value or environment variable) and Combo(drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory.
If checkbox above is enabled Password field appears as Text Var. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.
Client ID
Provide a Cherwell Client ID. Client ID is used to communicate to Cherwell instance. This field is mandatory.
CSM Administrator (Orange client) and CSM client (Blue client) tools can be installed for administration and development purposes. Generate a Cherwell client ID from Orange Client using the navigation,
CSM Administrator toolSecurity REST API clients.
Button: Test Connection
Verifies whether the connection is available or not.
Base URL, Username, Password, Client ID fields are mandatory. If no values are provided or some values are missing then it will display the validation error message.
Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed. Static values and environment variables are allowed.
Input Fields:
Field Name
Form Name
This holds the Cherwell form name from which the record details will be fetched. This field is mandatory.
Button: Get Forms
On click of this button, it populates the forms of connected Cherwell Server depending on Access/Permissions of the user. If any required field values are missing, then it will display validation error message.
Select a form to populate it into the Form Name field.
Business Object Public ID/RecID
Cherwell Business Object PublicID/RecID. This field is mandatory.
Specify a file path to be uploaded may browse for a file using the Browse File… button. Alternatively, when the filename is coming from an input stream, you may select the field containing the filename from the drop down list.
Button: Browse File…
This is the button to browse a file to be uploaded to a Cherwell Business Object.
Result: |
There is no explicit output Result field in this plugin. Plugin results weather success or error can be captured using Set Workflow Result. Errors can be captured in error handling as discussed in Appendix 1: Error Handling in IT Plugins to make the error message visible on AutomationEdge Requests. |
Common Buttons:
Field Name
On click of this button. It will check the field values. If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.
If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.
On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values