


Data Validator


Data Validator is a step in the Validation Plugin for Process Studio Workflows. Data Validator step validates data from the input stream against a set of validation rules on the data type and the data. An unlimited number of validation rules can be set. This ensures the quality of data from the input stream. Data validations can include a value range, a distinct list of values or data lengths etc.



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Report on all errors, not only the first

Enable checkbox to report on all errors.


Output one row, concatenate errors with separator

Output one row, concatenate errors with separator is enabled When Report on all errors, not only the first above is enabled. Enable this checkbox to concatenate all errors and specify the separator.



Validation Description


Name of field to validate 

Specify the name of the field to validate 

Error code 

Specify the error code to pass to error handling for this validation rule. 


Error description 

Specify the error description to pass to error handling for this validation rule. 



  1. Verify data type? : Check this if you want to specify a certain data type to match.
  2. Data type: Specify the data type of the data specified in this dialog or the data type to verify
  3. Conversion mask: Specify the mask to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule
  4. Decimal symbol:  Specify the decimal symbol to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule



This block of information contains the actual bulk of the validation rule

  1. Null allowed?:  Disable this option if you don't want to allow null values in the data for the selected field.
  2. Max string length: Verify the length of the string-form of the data of the selected field, make sure it's shorter than or as long as the length specified here.
  3. Min string length: Verify the length of the string-form of the data of the selected field, make sure it's longer than or as long as the length specified here.
  4. Maximum value: Verify the data of the selected field and see if it's not higher than the maximum value specified here.
  5. Minimum value: Verify the data of the selected field and see if it's not lower than the minimum value specified here.
  6. Expected start string: the string value of the value we validate needs to start with this value (when specified)
  7. Expected end string: : the string value of the value we validate needs to end with this value (when specified)
  8. Regular expression expected to match : the string value of the value we validate needs to match this regular expression (when specified)
  9. Regular expression not allowed to match : the string value of the value we validate is not allowed to match this regular expression (when specified)
  10. Allowed values: Make sure that the data of the selected field is only one of the values in the list.
    You can use the buttons to the right to add or remove values from the list.
  11. Read allowed values from another step? : enable this option to source the data from another step in the workflow. 
    This effectively removes the need to hard code allowed values.  You can now store them in a database table or a file somewhere.
    You also need to specify the step and field to read from if this option is selected.
    IMPORTANT: For every validation that sources data you need to specify a different step to read from.

Error Handling:

This step supports error handling.  As such, it is possible to pass the rows that don't validate in this step to a separate step.

Mail Validator


Mail is a step in the Validation Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThis step checks if an email address is valid or not. The Mail Validator step returns a result field (Boolean or String depending on your settings) and one additional field (String) containing errors string when email address is not valid. The step adds result fields to input stream.



Field Name



Step name

Name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


email fieldname

Specify the name of the field that contains the email addresses to check. This field must be defined in a previous step. Dropdown the combo to select fieldname.


SMTP check?

By default, PROCESS STUDIO will only check email address structure (using regular expression). If you want to perform a SMTP check, please select this option and fill Email sender (see after). PROCESS STUDIO will extract domain name from the supplied email address (to check) and will try to get all exchangers from the domain name. Each exchanger will be queried.


Time out

In order to perform a SMTP check, PROCESS STUDIO will open a socket on the target SMTP host. Specify here the socket time out (by default 0).


Email sender

If you select "SMTP check?" option, this field is mandatory. PROCESS STUDIO will need sender email address to query SMTP host.


Default SMTP server

If you know which SMTP server to query, please specify it here, PROCESS STUDIO will then query only this one. 
Note: Specifying SMTP host here will faster the process because PROCESS STUDIO will ask only this one and not fetching all the exchangers from the domain name.


dynamic default SMTP?

IF you want to pass default SMTP server in a dynamic way, check this option.


Default SMTP field

If you select the previous option, you must fill this field. This field must be defined in a previous step. Dropdown the combo to select fieldname.


Result fieldname

PROCESS STUDIO will store the result of the process in this field. The result will be Boolean (TRUE = the email address is valid, FALSE = the email address is unvalid) if "Result is a string" option is unchecked (see after). 
Note: This field is mandatory and will be added to the input stream.


Result is a string

This option will turn the ouput field into a String and when the email address is valid the output will contains the "Email is valid" field (see after) otherwise it will contains the "Email is not valid" field (see after).


Email is valid

If you selected the previous option, you must fill this field


Email is not valid

If you selected the previous option, you must fill this field


Errors field

When an email is address is invalid, PROCESS STUDIO return the reason. If you want to add it in the input stream, please give the field a name, otherwhise leave this field blank.

XSD Validator


XSD Validator is a step in the Validation Plugin for Process Studio Workflows. This step validates XML source (file or input field) against XSD (XML Schema Definition)You need to specify the XSD source that describes how XML file should look like and the XML you want to validate for layout.



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.

XML Source:


XML source is a file 

Enable this checkbox if the XML file is defined as a filename in the XML field


XML field

Enable this checkbox if the field to read that contains the XML filename or the XML content itself.

Output fields:


Result fieldname

Specify the name of the result field


Output String field

Enable this checkbox if you want to specify specific messages after validation:

  1. Display if XML is valid : the message if the XML was valid
  2. Display if XML is not valid : the message if the XML wasn't valid


Add validation msg in output

Enable this check box if you want to add a validation message in the output


Validation msg field

Specify the name of the validation message field

XML schema definition:

  1. Verify data type? : Check this if you want to specify a certain data type to match.
  2. Data type: Specify the data type of the data specified in this dialog or the data type to verify
  3. Conversion mask: Specify the mask to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule
  4. Decimal symbol:  Specify the decimal symbol to use to convert the data specified in this validation rule


XSD source

Select one of these options:

  1. The XSD source is a file, let me specify the filename (specify below in the XSD filename field)
  2. The XSD source is a file, defined in a field (specify below in the XSD filename field)
  3. The XSD source is defined inside the source XML


XSD Filename

Specify the filename if option 1 is chosen above. 

Click Browse button to search the file.


XSD Filename Field

Specify the field containing the file if option 2 is chosen as XSD source above.

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