MS Word

MS Word

MS Word

MS Word Plugin has been designed to perform operations with MS Word files.

MS Word: Convert To PDF 


MS Word: Convert to PDF plugin step converts one or more word documents to PDF files.

Compatibility: PDF 1.5 and above


  1. This step is not compatible with Linux OS.
  2. When uploading file on AutomationEdge server, the allowed file size is upto 200 MB. This is a limitation from AutomationEdge server side.

Note: This step should be preceded with a row generating step (e.g. Generate rows etc.)



Field Name



Step Name

Name of the step.  This name has to be unique in a single workflow.

Input Tab:


Field Name


Input Fields:


Input File/Directory

Specify the file path of the word file or a directory with word files to be converted to PDF. The word files with the following extensions are allowed:  .docx.doc and .rtf.

The data type of this field is String. This field is mandatory.

Note: Input File of type .docx does not support Runtime parameter of type File, on AE Server. Input File parameter can be provided as a srting Type to specify the full file path. This issue will be resolved in upcoming AE Releases.


Button: Browse File…

Clicking on this button brings up the dialog to browse the input file path.


Button: Folder…

Clicking on this button brings up the dialog to browse the intput directory path.


Output Directory

Specify the path of the directory where the output PDF files are to be generated. 

The data type of this field is String. This field is mandatory.


Button: Folder…

Clicking on this button brings up the dialog to browse the output directory path.

Common Buttons:


Field Name





On click of this button. It will check the field values.  If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.

If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.



On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values

MS Word: Mail Merge 


Mail merge plugin step creates multiple documents in bulk at once based on a template as a reference. These documents have identical layout, formatting, text, and graphics. The template has fieldnames (tags) which are replaced in each document. Hence, the documents vary for personalization. 

You may import variable / personalized data from external sources such as database, excel or CSV file and other sources in Process Studio that can be passed as fields to this step to replace placeholders in the template file. 



Field Name



Step Name

Name of the step.  This name has to be unique in a single workflow.



Field Name


Input Fields:



Word File (.docx)

Specify the full path of a Template word document containing data in the form of Field Names as placeholders (${fieldname}). Alternatively choose a field in the input stream or a variable containing the file path. 

Following is a sample word file template.

Test      ${Test}


This is regarding your confirmation of ${Designation} position in vyom labs on ${Date}

Your DOJ is ${DOJ} and Employee Id : ${Employee ID} 

You will receive promotion letter by post at your address as follows,



HR Communication.

Note: sometimes the format of placeholder is not applied to the replaced text.


Button: Browse…

Browse the Template word document containing Field Name placeholders.

Tabular Fields:


Button: Get Fields

Click on Get Fields button to populate ‘Field Name’ column with the placeholders from the template word document.


Field Name

Displays name of placeholders in the template word file populated using the Get Fields button. This is a read only column. 

The data type is String. This field is mandatory.


Field Value

Provide Valid values for the field associated with the field name. Alternately, choose a field name in the input stream from the drop down list or specify a variable containing a value for the Field Name.

The input stream is usually populated from data sources such as database, excel or CSV, which will usually be the start step of a workflow containing Mail Merge step. 

Following is a sample Microsoft Exel Input step data.

The data type is String. This field is mandatory.


Destination Directory

Specify a directory to store the generated output files.

The data type is String. This field is mandatory.


Button: Browse

Click button to browse a destination directory to store the generated files.


Destination File Name

Specify the base name of the output files to be generated. The destination files base name can also be based on field name in the input stream or a variable. 

  1. If there are more than one files generated they are appended with _1, _2 and so on incrementally. 
  2. If the destination folder already contains one or more files with the same base name all the new files are appended incrementally.

Generated files will always have the extension .docx, even if the file name is provided without any extension or with an extension other than ‘.docx’.

The data type is String. This field is mandatory.


If user specifies filename as ‘Sample’, then the actual file generated could be ‘Sample.docx’. (In case file already exists, then it will append ‘_1’ (1, 2, 3. are incremental numbers) to the file name i.e. ‘Sample_1.docx’.)

Note: This step should be preceded with a row generating step (e.g. Generate rows etc.)

Common Buttons:


Field Name





On click of this button field values are checked. If any required field values are missing then validation error message is displayed.

If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.



Click this button to cancel the window without saving any values.

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