Monitor ActiveMQ through JConsole/ How to connect AtiveMQ through JConsole

Monitor ActiveMQ through JConsole/ How to connect AtiveMQ through JConsole


Monitor ActiveMQ through JConsole/ How to connect AtiveMQ through JConsole?


Step 1:

Apache Active MQ has extensive support for JMX to allow you to monitor and control the behavior of the broker via the JMX MBeans

You can enable/disable JMX support as follows…

Setting the broker property use JMX to true (enabled by default) in activemq.xml file which is located in-:..\\ActiveMQ home directory\conf.

i.e. For xbean configuration

<broker use JMX="true" brokerName="BROKER1"


Step 2: Password Protecting the JMX Connector

(For Java 1.5+)

  1. Make sure JMX is enabled, but tell ActiveMQ not create its own connector so that it will use the default JVM JMX connector.

<broker xmlns="" brokerName="localhost"useJmx="true">



<managementContext createConnector="false"/>




After above changes activemq.xml file looks like:

Step 3:  Create access and password files


# The "monitorRole" role has readonly access.

# The "controlRole" role has readwrite access.

monitorRole readonly

controlRole readwrite

jms.access file looks like:


# The "monitorRole" role has password "abc123".

# The "controlRole" role has password "abcd1234".

monitorRole abc123

controlRole abcd1234

Jmx.password file looks like:

-Password will get encrypted automatically once you start the service. Initially you have to type in plain text.
-Make sure both files are not world readable - protect the files

Step 4:  Modify the Wrapper.conf in ..\ActiveMQ _home\bin\win64 to enable the Java 1.5+ JMX connector- for ActiveMQ is installed as service

# Uncomment to enable remote Jmx"%ACTIVEMQ_BASE%/conf/jmx.password""%ACTIVEMQ_BASE%/conf/jmx.access"

After changes file looks like:

Modify the “activemq” startup script (in bin) to enable the Java 1.5+ JMX connector -for activemq start with activemq bat file.
Find the “ACTIVEMQ_SUNJMX_START=” line and change it too the following: (note that in previous versions of ActiveMQ this property was called SUNJMX in some scripts.  As of v5.12.0 all scripts use ACTIVEMQ_SUNJMX_START):


  \ \


  \ \${ACTIVEMQ_BASE}/conf/jmx.password \${ACTIVEMQ_BASE}/conf/jmx.access"

Step 5:   Start ActiveMQ

Step 6:  You should be able to connect to JMX on the JMX URL

service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<your hostname>:1616/jmxrmi

Open JConsole and enter the URL, Username and Password:

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