License issue : MAC Address has been changed.

License issue : MAC Address has been changed.


On AE portal it is showing license expire in 1 day, however the license will expiry date is future dated.

2024-09-23 12:58:14:840 IST (+05:30) main INFO HostDetailsUtils:106 - Mac addresses are: [BC:0F:F3:C5:D8:**]

How to Reproduce:
If System's MAC address got changed.


We have to open CMD and execute the command "getmac".

 Then, we have to cross-verify the system's MAC address in database with the "ae_license" table or

 uploaded license file.

If the system's MAC address is changed, then first ask the customer to check with the 'IT team' how it's changed, and then ask them to rollback it.

If the rollback is not possible, then request to the 'license team' to update the same MAC address in the license and get the updated license and update in the automation edge application.



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