Jira Service Desk

Jira Service Desk

Jira Service Desk

Jira Service Desk: Create Cutomer Request 

Jira Service Desk: Create Service Request plugin step creates a service request in Jira Service Desk.


Jira Service Desk on Cloud and Jira v8.4.1 (JIRA Service Desk Application v4.4.1) on-premise


  1. JIRA Service Desk instance and access details 
  2. json-20180130.jar must be present in lib folder of Process Studio as well as AE.



Field Name



Step Name

Name of the step.  This name has to be unique in a single workflow.



Base URL  

Server name or IP address with port of the JIRA Service Desk instance in case of on-premise (http://xx.xx.xx.xxx:8081). In case the on-premise instance has been customized provide the appropriate URL.

Provide cloud URL in case of on-cloud instance (e.g.- https://xxxx.atlassian.net/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa)



Specify a username to authenticate in a JIRA Service Desk instance having the permission to create a service request. This field is mandatory.



Accept Value as variable/static

Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list. 

Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.


Password/API Key

Provide password of the username to authenticate in case of on premise instance and API Key/token in case of on cloud instance.

Following is the link to find the steps to generate the API token for cloud instance: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html

Password/API is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text (static value or environment variable) and Combo (drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory. If checkbox above is enabled Password/API field appears as Text box and accepts static or variable values. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.


Test Connection

Click Test Connection button to Verify whether the connection is established or not.

Note: For the purpose of Test Connection fields coming from previous steps are not allowed since field values can only be accessed when workflow is in running state. Static values and environment variables are allowed. 

Once connection is established all requisite forms and fields in Input and Output fields are populated with the corresponding values from the Service Now instance. 

Once input and output field values are populated the connection fields may be replaced with previous step fields.

Input Tab:


Field Name


Input Fields:


Service Desk (Project Key)

Specify the key of the JIRA Service Desk Project for which a service request is to be created.


Button: Get

Clicking on this button populates the list of all the available JIRA Service Desk Projects in the provided JIRA Service Desk instance.


Request Type

Specify a Request type with which the service request is to be created.


Button: Get

Clicking on this button populates the list of all the available Request Types in the provided JIRA Service Desk instance.


Accept fields as JSON

Enable checkbox to accept the fields to be updated in JSON format.



Select the field in the stream containing the JSON text.

The JSON field can be any field in the stream or can be created using any step such as Generate Rows, Modified Java Script, Set field value to a constant etc.

Sample JSON (for Request Type: Request New Software

) is shown below: 

{"Why do you need this?":"Laptop hangs","Summarize the request":"Laptop Slow","Attachment":""}

Note: Provide Key:Value pair for all the mandatory fields.

Only String and Number fields are allowed; other data types are not supported in the current release. You may upload attachments using “JIRA Attach File to Issue” step or download attachments using “JIRA Download Attachments” step.


Choose fields and provide field values to create a Jira issue.


Variable Field Name

This is an optional field. Choose a field in input stream from drop down list or provide a user or system defined variable.


Static Field Name

Clicking on this column field brings a dialog with the list of available fields to create a Service Request.


Field Value

Specify a Field value to hold the value of field name selected in Field Name column above.

All the mandatory fields for creating a Service Request for a JIRA Service Desk instance must be selected and the field values should be provided else the workflow throws an error mentioning the mandatory field that is missing. 

Request Type and Summary are mandatory fields for all Service Requests. Some Service Requests may have additional mandatory fields.

Output Tab:


Field Name


Output Fields:


Issue ID

Specify an output field to hold the Issue ID of the Service Request created upon successful plugin execution. 


Issue Key

Specify an output field to hold the Issue key of the Service Request created on successful plugin execution

Jira Service Desk: Update Customer Request

Jira Service Desk: Create Service Request plugin step creates a service request in Jira Service Desk.


Jira Service Desk on Cloud and Jira v8.4.1 (JIRA Service Desk Application v4.4.1) on-premise


  1. JIRA Service Desk instance and access details 
  2. json-20180130.jar must be present in lib folder of Process Studio as well as AE.



Field Name



Step Name

Name of the step.  This name has to be unique in a single workflow.



Base URL  

Server name or IP address with port of the JIRA Service Desk instance in case of on-premise (http://xx.xx.xx.xxx:8081). In case the on-premise instance has been customized provide the appropriate URL.

Provide cloud URL in case of on-cloud instance (e.g.- https://xxxx.atlassian.net/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa



Specify a username to authenticate in a JIRA Service Desk instance having the permission to create a service request. This field is mandatory.



Accept Value as variable/static

Leave checkbox unchecked to accept Password value from a field in the previous steps of the stream using a drop down list. 

Else enable checkbox for Password field to appear as Text box.


Password/API Key

Provide password of the username to authenticate in case of on premise instance and API Key/token in case of on cloud instance.

Following is the link to find the steps to generate the API token for cloud instance: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/api-tokens-938839638.html

Password/API is entered using a widget. The widget handles both Text (static value or environment variable) and Combo (drop down containing values from previous steps). This field is mandatory. If checkbox above is enabled Password/API field appears as Text box and accepts static or variable values. Else if checkbox above is disabled Password field appears as a drop down to select fields from previous steps.


Test Connection

Verifies whether the connection is established or not.

Note: For the purpose of verification fields coming from previous steps are not allowed since field values can only be accessed when workflow is in running state. Static values and environment variables are allowed.

Input Tab:


Field Name


Input Fields:


Service Desk (Project Key)

Name of the Service Desk for which the service request is supposed to be updated.


Button: Get

Clicking on this button populates the list of all the available Service Desks in provided JIRA Service Desk instance.


Request Type

Specify a Request type with which the service request is to be updated.


Issue Key

Key of the issue to be updated.


Button: Get

Clicking on this button populates the list of all the available Request Types in the provided JIRA Service Desk instance.


Accept fields as JSON

Enable checkbox to accept the fields to be updated in JSON format.



Select the field in the stream containing the JSON text. 

The JSON field can be any field in the stream or can be created using any step such as Generate Rows, Modified Java Script, Set field value to a constant etc.

Sample JSON (for Request Type: Request New Software)

is shown below:

{"Description":"Laptop Slow Speed","Summary":"Slows Down","Attachment":""}

Note: Provide Key: Value pair for all the mandatory fields.

Only String and Number fields are allowed; other data types are not supported in the current release. You may upload attachments using “JIRA Attach File to Issue” step or download attachments using “JIRA Download Attachments” step.


Choose fields and provide field values to create a Jira issue.


Variable Field Name

This is an optional field. Choose a field in input stream from drop down list or provide a user or system defined variable.


Static Field Name

Clicking on this column field brings a dialog with the list of available fields to update a Service Request.


Field Value

Specify a Field value to hold the value of field name selected in Field Name column above.

All the mandatory fields for creating a Service Request for a JIRA Service Desk instance must be selected and the field values should be provided else the workflow throws an error mentioning the mandatory field that is missing. 

Request Type and Summary are mandatory fields for all Service Requests. Some Service Requests may have additional mandatory fields.

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