Knowledge Article :: Proxy Connection :: Windows Platform

For user’s connected to internet via Proxy, unable to use PS

In process studio.bat file make below changes

  1. Replace value of “XXX” with appropriate value of host and port number.

SET PROXY_DETAILS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=XXX" “Dhttp.proxyPort=XXX”

  1. Add “%PROXY_DETAILS%” text as mentioned below

“-XX:MaxPermSize=256m” %PROXY_DETAILS%

  1. Restart Process Studio for changes to be reflected.

In Agent’s startup.bat file make changes as suggested below-

  1. Replace the value of “XXX” with the appropriate value of host and port number.

SET PROXY_DETAILS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=XXX" “Dhttp.proxyPort=XXX”

  1. Add “%PROXY_DETAILS%” text as mentioned below

Xms1024m -Xmx2048m %PROXY_DETAILS%

  1. Restart Agent for changes to be reflected.

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