




Abort is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio Workflows. This step can be used to abort a workflow if the number of rows going to the error hop crosses a threshold and writes the Abort message to the log. 



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Abort threshold

Specify the threshold of number of rows after which to abort the workflows. E.g. If threshold is 0, the abort step will abort after seeing the first row. If threshold is 5, the abort step will abort after seeing the sixth row.


Abort message

Specify the message to put in the log upon aborting. If not filled in a default message will be used.


Always log

Enable Always log checkbox to always log the rows processed by the Abort step even if log level is below current log level. This allows the rows to be logged although the log level of the workflow would normally not do it. This way you can always see in the log which rows caused the workflow to abort. 

Append streams


Append Streams is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe "Append streams" step reads data from two input steps. It processes data from the first and second streams in that order and appends the rows coming from the second step to the rows from the first step. The row layout of the input data coming from both steps has to be identical: the same row lengths, the same data types, the same fields at the same field indexes in the row.



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Head hop

Specify the name of the step from which will be read from first. 


Tail hop 

Specify the name of the step from which will be read from last.

Block This Step Until Steps Finish


‘Block this step until steps finish’ is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio Workflows

This step simply waits until all the steps that are specified in its configuration have finished.  It then passes all the rows to the next step.


Watch the following steps: Use the grid to specify the steps to wait for


Field Name



Step name

The name of the step to wait for.


Copy Nr

The default number of copies is 1, (i.e. the CopyNr equals 0). Leave it to the default value 0.

Get Steps Button


Field Name



Button: Get steps

Push this button to auto-fill the "Watch the following steps" grid with all steps available in the workflow.

Blocking Step


Blocking Step is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe Blocking step blocks all output until the very last row is received from the previous step. At that point, no row is sent to the next step or the complete input is sent to the next step. The Blocking Step is used in workflows before triggering plugins, stored procedures, Java scripts, or for synchronization purposes.

Note: When using this step in combination with a Table Output step, the functionality is not guaranteed when a SQL statement is fired against the target table afterwards.


Variables Tab


Field Name



Step name

Specify a name for the step; this name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Pass all rows?

This checkbox determines whether to pass no row or all rows.

If this is checked the following fields are enabled.


Spool directory

Specify the directory in which the temporary files are stored if needed; the default is the standard temporary directory for the system


Spool-file prefix

Specify a recognizable prefix to identify the files when they appear in the temp directory


Cache size

Specify a cache size for rows in memory. The more rows you can store in memory, the faster the step works


Compress spool files?

Enable this checkbox to compresses temporary files.

Detect empty stream


Detect empty stream is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsDetect empty stream step is used to detect an empty stream. This step outputs a single row if the input stream is empty (i.e. when input stream does not contain any row); and has the same fields as the input row, but all field values are empty (null). If the input stream is not empty, the step does not give any output.

Dummy (do nothing)


Dummy is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe Dummy step does not do anything. Its primary function is to be a placeholder for testing purposes. For example, for a workflow, you need at least two steps connected to each other. If you want to test a file input step, you can connect it to a dummy step.

Filter Rows


Filter Rows is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsFilter Rows step filters incoming data rows based on conditions and comparisons. It generally has two output hops ‘true’ and ‘false’ based on the evaluation of the conditions. When the condition evaluates true it follows the main hop and when the condition evaluates false it follows the false hop.



Field Name



Step Name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Send 'true' data to step

Choose a step to send the rows for which the condition specified is true.


Send 'false' data to step

Choose a step to send the rows for which the condition specified is false.


The Condition

Click <Field> to select from a list of fields from the input stream(s) to build your condition(s). <value> to enter a specific value into your condition(s).

To enter an IN LIST operator, use a string value separated by semicolons. This also works on numeric values like integers. The list of values must be entered with a string type, e.g.: 2;3;7;8

To delete a condition, right-click and select Delete Condition. 


Add Condition

Click Add condition’ to add conditions. Add condition converts the original conditions into a sub-level conditions. Click a sub-condition to edit it by going down one level in the condition tree.

Identify last row in a stream


Identify last row in a stream is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe Identify last row in a stream workflow step generates a Boolean field with true for the last row and false otherwise.



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Result fieldname

Specify a field to mark the last row of a stream. It is a Boolean field filled with true for the last row and false otherwise.

Java Filter


Java Filter is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio Workflows. The Java Filter Step allows filters the input stream using user defined Java expressions. The input stream, coming from one or more steps, can be redirected to two different steps based on the evaluation of the Java expression.



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Destination step for matching rows (optional)

Specify the step to send the rows for which the condition evaluates to true. 


Destination step for non-matching rows (optional)

Specify the step to send the rows for which the condition evaluates to false. 


Condition (Java Expression)

Provide a condition/Java expression to filter the data. 

Prioritize streams


Prioritize Streams is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe Prioritize streams step controls the order in which input streams are read. Data is read concurrently form all inputs streams with an unpredictable order. However, 'Prioritize streams' step can prioritize input streams. 



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Step name priority 

This list defines the order in which the input streams will be read. Names at the top of the list have higher priority than steps below. 

Note: Names have to exactly match incoming steps names, otherwise the step will fail. You may choose the steps from the drop down list.


Get Previous Steps

This button will add the names of all the previous steps to the list. Right click to move rows up and down.

Process Executor


Process Executor is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe process executor executes a Process Studio process. By default the process is executed once for each input row from the workflow. This row can be used to set parameters and variables and it is passed to the process in the form of a result row. A group of records can also be passed based on the value in a field (The process is executed when the value changes) or on time.  In these cases, the first row of the group or rows is used to set parameters or variables in the process.



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.



Use this section to specify the process to execute.  You have the following options to specify the process: 

Use a file for the process: when this option is enabled, you can enter the the .psw file that is to be used as process. The filename may contain variables (for example, you can use the built-in Internal.Workflow.Filename.Directory variable to construct a filename relative to the current workflow), or you can use the "Browse" button to select a file using a file browser.

Use a process from the repository: This option is available when connected to a repository. When enabled, you can enter the name and the repository path in the two fields corresponding to this option. Alternatively you can use the "Select" button to browse the repository and point to the workflow stored in the repository. This feature is currently not enabled.

Repository by reference: This feature is currently not enabled.

The following two buttons in this section makes it easier to work with the process:  

New process: create a new workflow to be used. The new process will be opened in a new tab.

Edit process: open the currently selected process in a new tab so you can edit it.

Parameters Tab:  Specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable value. If multiple rows are passed to the process, the first row is taken to set the parameters or variables.


Field Name



Variable / Parameter name

The Parameters tab allows you to define or pass stream fields as variables down to the Process Studio process.


Field to use

Specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable value. If you specify an input field to use, the static input value is not used.


Static input value

Instead of a field to use you can specify a static value here.


Inherit all variables from the workflow?

Select check box, to pass all workflow parameters to the specified child process in the step.


Button: Get parameters

Click this button to get all the parameters of the workflow in the Variable / Parameter name column

Row grouping Tab: specify the amount of input rows that are passed to the workflow in the form of result rows. You can use the result rows in a Get rows from result step in a workflow.


Field Name



The number of rows to send to the workflow

Specify a number say X. After every X rows the process will be executed and these X rows will be passed to the process.


Field to group rows on

Rows will be accumulated in a group as long as the field value stays the same. If the value changes the process will be executed and the accumulated rows will be passed to the process.


The time to wait collecting rows before execution

This is the maximum time in Milliseconds the step will spend accumulating rows prior to the execution of the process.

Execution results Tab: 


Field Name



The target steps for the execution results

Choose the target step for the execution results from a drop down list


Fieldname of the execution time(ms)

Enter the fieldname to store the execution time(ms)


Fieldname of the  ExecutionResult

Enter the fieldname to store the ExecutionResult


Fieldname of the number of errors

Enter the fieldname to store the number of errors


Fieldname of the number of rows read

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows read


Fieldname of the number of rows written

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows written


Fieldname of the number of rows input

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows input


Fieldname of the number of rows output

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows output


Fieldname of the number of rows rejected

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows rejected


Fieldname of the number of rows updated

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows updated


Fieldname of the number of rows deleted

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows deleted


Fieldname of the number of rows retrieved

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows retrieved


Fieldname of the exit status

Enter the fieldname to store the exit status


Fieldname of the execution logging text

Enter the fieldname to store the execution logging text


Fieldname of the log channel ID

Enter the fieldname to store the log channel ID

Result rows Tab: 


Field Name



The target step for the result rows

The target step for the result rows in the parent workflow.

Expected Layout of result rows:


Field name

Names of the fields that are part of the result.


Data type

Type of data.



For Number: Total number of significant figures in a number; For String: total length of string; For Date: length of printed output of the string.



For Number: Number of floating point digits; For String, Date, Boolean: unused.

Result files Tab: 


Field Name



The step to send the result files information to

Choose the step to send the result files information to from the drop down list.


The result filename field

The fieldname to store the result filename



Field Name




On error execute only error path

Note: This option is only available Process Studio 5.6.0 onwards.

Enable checkbox to execute only the step connected with ‘Error Handling of step’ path in the workflow. 

By default if you leave this checkbox unchecked all the steps following this step in the workflow, connected with any of the below options are excuted.




Click Help for a description of plugin step configuration details, 


Button: OK

On click of this button. It will check the field values.  If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.

If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.


Button: Cancel

On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values

Switch / Case


Switch /Case is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio Workflows. This step routes rows of data to one or more target steps based on the value encountered in a certain field. This is like the Switch/Case statement found in popular programming languages like Java






Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.


Field name to switch 

Specify the field name that contains the value to use as a basis for the row routing. 


Use string contains comparison 

Enable checkbox to send rows to the first step whose case value is contained inside the field string value or in other words case value is found anywhere in the field being tested. If unchecked the value has to exactly match the field


Case value data type 

Specify the data type of the values specified in this dialog 


Case value conversion mask 

Specify the conversion mask of the values specified in this dialog (numeric / date values)


Case value decimal symbol 

Specify the decimal symbol of the values specified in this dialog (numeric values)


Case value grouping symbol

Specify the grouping symbol of the values specified in this dialog (numeric values)


Case values 

Here you can specify a value-target step pair, one per row. 
To specify a null value, simply leave the value column blank while entering a target step. 
Please note that it is possible to specify the same target step more than once.


Default target step 

Specify a default target stepAll the rows that don't match any of the case values above are sent to this target step. 

Workflow Executor


Workflow Executor is a step in the Flow Plugin for Process Studio WorkflowsThe workflow executor executes a Process Studio workflow. It is similar to the Process Executor step but works on workflows. By default the specified workflow is executed once for each input row. This row can be used to set parameters and variables and it is passed to the workflow in the form of a result row. A group of records can also be passed based on the value in a field (when the value changes the workflow is executed) or on time. In these cases, the first row of the group or rows is used to set parameters or variables in the process. 



Field Name



Step name

Specify the name of the step as it appears in the workflow workspace. This name has to be unique in a single workflow.



Use this section to specify the workflow to execute.  You have the following options to specify the workflow: 

Use a file for the workflow: when this option is enabled, you can enter the the .psw file that is to be used as workflow. The filename may contain variables (for example, you can use the built-in Internal.Workflow.Filename.Directory variable to construct a filename relative to the current workflow), or you can use the "Browse" button to select a file using a file browser.

Use a workflow from the repository: This option is unavailable currently. 

Specify by reference: This option is unavailable currently. 

The following two buttons in this section makes it easier to work with the workflow:  

New workflow: create a new workflow to be used. The new workflow will be opened in a new tab.

Edit workflow: open the currently selected workflow in a new tab so you can edit it.

Parameters Tab:  Specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable values. If multiple rows are passed to the process, the first row is taken to set the parameters or variables.


Field Name



Variable / Parameter name

The Parameters tab allows you to define or pass stream fields as variables down to the workflow.


Field to use

Specify which field to use to set a certain parameter or variable value. If you specify an input field to use, the static input value is not used.


Static input value

Instead of a field to use you can specify a static value here.


Inherit all variables from the workflow?

Select check box, to pass all workflow parameters to the specified child workflow in the step.


Button: Get parameters

Click this button to get all the parameters of the workflow in the Variable / Parameter name column

Row grouping Tab: Specify the amount of input rows that are passed to the workflow in the form of result rows. You can use the result rows in Get rows from result step in a workflow.


Field Name



The number of rows to send to the workflow

Specify a number say X. After every X rows the workflow will be executed and these X rows will be passed to the workflow


Field to group rows on

Rows will be accumulated in a group as long as the field value stays the same. If the value changes the workflow will be executed and the accumulated rows will be passed to the workflow.


The time to wait collecting rows before execution

This is maximum time in Milliseconds the step will spend accumulating rows prior to the execution of the workflow.

Execution results Tab: 


Field Name



The target step for the execution results

Choose the target step for the execution results from a drop down list


Fieldname of the execution time(ms)

Enter the fieldname to store the execution time(ms)


Fieldname of the  Execution Result

Enter the fieldname to store the Execution Result


Fieldname of the number of errors

Enter the fieldname to store the number of errors


Fieldname of the number of rows read

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows read


Fieldname of the number of rows written

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows written


Fieldname of the number of rows input

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows input


Fieldname of the number of rows output

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows output


Fieldname of the number of rows rejected

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows rejected


Fieldname of the number of rows updated

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows updated


Fieldname of the number of rows deleted

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows deleted


Fieldname of the number of rows retrieved

Enter the fieldname to store the number of rows retrieved


Fieldname of the exit status

Enter the fieldname to store the exit status


Fieldname of the execution logging text

Enter the fieldname to store the execution logging text


Fieldname of the log channel ID

Enter the fieldname to store the log channel ID

Result rows Tab: 


Field Name



The target step for the result rows

Specify the target step for the result rows in the parent workflow.

Expected Layout of result rows:


Field name

Specify the names of the fields that are part of the result.


Data type

Specify the data type.



Specify the length,

For Number: Total number of significant figures in a number; 

For String: total length of string; 

For Date: length of printed output of the string.



Specify the precision,

For Number: Number of floating point digits; 

For String, Date, Boolean: unused.

Result files Tab: 


Field Name



The step to send the result files information to

Choose the step to send the result files information to from the drop down list.


The result filename field

Specify the fieldname to store the result filename



Field Name



On error execute only error path

Note: This option is only available in Process Studio 5.6.0 onwards.

Enable checkbox to execute only the step connected with ‘Error Handling of step’ path in the workflow. 

By default if you leave this checkbox unchecked all the steps following this step in the workflow, connected with any of the below options are excuted.



Button: OK

On click of this button. It will check the field values.  If any required field values are missing then it will display validation error message.

If all the required field values are provided then it will save the field values.


Button: Cancel

On click of this button, it will cancel the window and do not save any values

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