File Management

File Management

File Management

Copy Move Result Filenames


Copy Move Result Filenames is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. This process entry allows you to copy, move or delete result filenames in a previous process entry to a destination folder/file on your file system. 



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 



Choose Copy, Move or Delete


Destination folder 

Define the target folder


Create destination folder 

use this option to create the destination folder when it does not exist


Replace existing file 

use this option to overwrite existing files


Remove source filenames from result

use this option to remove the processed filenames from the list of result filenames


Add destination filenames to result

use this option to add the processed target filenames to the list of result filenames


Add date to filename

add the date to the target filename, e.g. yyyyMMdd


Add time to filename

add the time to the target filename, e.g. HHmmss


Specify date time format

allows you to specify your own date-time format, e.g. yyyyMMdd_HHmmss


Add date before extension

when this option is not checked, the date/time is appended after the file extension


Limit action to

Define include and exclude wildcards


Success on 

Success condition : select one of these option:

Success when all works fine

Success when at least x files moved (specify x in the limit field below)

Success when number of errors lesser than  (specify the max number of errors in the limit field below)


Nr errors lesser than

This field is used to set limits for the last two options above.

File Compare


File Compare is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. You can use the File compare process entry to compare the contents of 2 files and control the flow of the process by it. When the contents of the files are the same the success outgoing hop will be followed, else the failure hop will be followed.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 

File name 1

The name and path of the file of the first file to compare.

File name 2

The name and path of the file of the second file to compare.

Add filename to

Adds the filename(s) read to the result of this process entry.  A unique list is being kept in memory that can be used in the next process entry in a process.

Create a folder


Create a folder is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. This process entry creates a folder at the specified location



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Folder name 

The name of the folder to create (can be a full path)


Fail if folder exists 

If you enable this option, this process entry will fail if the specified folder already exists. 

Unzip file


Unzip file is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Unzip file process entry can unzip a file or folder.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Source files 

You can specify the list of source (zip) files in this section

Get args from previous : check this option if you want to use the list of result files (from a previous process entry) as the list of files to unzip (bug - it takes the first field of the result row instead of the result files)

Zip file name : the name of the zip file or a folder if you want to use a wildcard

Source wildcard: if the previous option is a folder, you can enter a regular expression wildcard here. - Note: The regex is compared against the absolute path of the file and a complete match MUST be made

For example to match "/folder/" a regex of "te.\.zip" will come up empty. Use ".*te.\.zip" instead to account for the folders ahead of it. ** For Windows file paths, the direction of the slashes will be reversed in the match, so use "\/" instead of "\\".


Unzipped files 

This section allows us to specify what to do with the unzipped files

Use zipfile name as root directory : check this if you want to create a separate directory for each zip filename (same name as file)

Target directory : the target directory to unzip in

Create folder : check this if you want to create the target folder

Include wildcard : use this regular expression to select the files in the zip archives to extract

Exclude wildcard : use this regular expression to select the files in the zip archives to extract

Include date in filename : Include the current date in the unzipped filenames (format yyyyMMdd)

Include time in filename : Include the time (format HHmmss)

Specify the date time format yourself: allows you to specify the date time format yourself (default is: yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss)

If files exists: select the action to take if the target (unzipped) file exists: skip, overwrite, etc.

After extraction : select the action to take after zip file extraction: Do nothing, Delete files, Move files

Move files to: if the previous option is "Move files", you can select the target directory here.



Add extracted file to result: add the extracted file names to the list of result files of this process entry for use in the next process entries.

Success condition: allows to specify the success factor of this process entry: when everything went well or if there were only X errors or if there were at least Y files extracted.

Delete file


Delete file is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Delete file process entry can be used to deletes a file.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


File name

The name and path of the file to delete.


Fail if file doesn't exist

The process entry will follow the failure outgoing hop when the file to be deleted does not exist anymore and this option is switched on. The default is off.

Write to file


Write to file is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes Write to file is a Process Entry can write text content to an existing or new file or append text to an existing file.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 



File name

Enter or browse the filename to write to.


Create parent folder

Enable checkbox to create file structure.


Append file

Enable checkbox to append to file.




Select the character encoding of your text from drop down list.



Provide the text to write to file

Folders Compare


Folders Compare is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Folders Compare process entry compares two files or two folders. It can compare file size, file content and in case of folders it can include and compare all subfolders to determine if the content is identical; the result will either be true or false. 



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Include Subfolders

Also compare the content of sub-folders.



Specify what to compare: All, Only files, Only folders, or Let me specify...



If you chose Let me specify in the previous option, you can specify the regular expression of files to compare.


Compare file size

Check this to compare file size, in opposed to just comparing folder names.


Compare file content

Checks if files have the same content. Note: this may cause slower processing speeds.


File/Folder name 1

This is the first file or folder to compare


File/Folder name 2

This is the second file or folder to compare

Create Zip file


Create Zip files is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Create Zip file Process Entry creates a standard ZIP archive using the options you specify in the configurations.


General Tab


Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 

Source Files:


Get arguments from previous

This checkbox takes the filename specification from the result rows of a previous process entry.  This is what will be taken from the rows 
The first field has to contain the filename or folder. 
The second field should contain the inclusion wildcard 
The third field should contain the exclusion wildcard 
The fourth field should contain the target zip file (this can be different for each file)


Source Directory/File

The source directory of the files to be zipped


Include Wildcard(RegExp)

The wildcard (regular expression) of the files to include in the zip archive


Exclude Wildcard(RegExp)

The wildcard (regular expression) of the files to exclude from the zip archive


Include sub-folders?

Enable this option to search files in sub-folders

Zip File:


Zip file name

The full name of the destination archive


Create parent folder

Create the parent folder if it doesn't exist


Include date in filename

Add the date to the file name


Include time in filename

Add the time to the file name


Specify date time format

Allows you to specify the date/time format mask,


Date time format

The date time format mask, like yyyy/MM/dd HHmmss


Show filename

Shows an example filename based on the options you specified

Advanced Tab


Field Name





The compression level to be used (Default, Best Compression, Best speed)


If zip file exists?

The action to take when there already is a file at the target destination.


After zipping

The action to take after zipping


Move files to

The target directory to move the source files to after zipping


Create folder

Create the folder to move to


Stored source path depth

This is the part of the source file path which is taken over in the ZIP file archive structure: 
1 : /process-studio/work/transfer/input/project/file.txt 
2 : file.txt 
3 : project/file.txt 
4 : input/project/file.txt 
5 : transfer/input/project/file.txt 
6 : work/transfer/input/project/file.txt 
7 : process-studio/work/transfer/input/project/file.txt 
8 : process-studio/work/transfer/input/project/file.txt 
9 : process-studio/work/transfer/input/project/file.txt

Result file name:


Add zip file to result

Enable this option to add the target zip file(s) to the result

Copy files


Copy Files is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Copy files Process Entry can copy one of more files or folders from a source environment to a destination environment. 


Files Tab


Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Source Environment

Indicates the file system or specific cluster on which the item you want to input can be found.  Options are Local and <Static>. 

  1. Local: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field is in a file system that is local to Process Studio.
  2. <Static>: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field should use the path name in that field, exactly.  Use this if you already know a file path and you simply want to copy and paste it into the window.


Source File/Folder* *

The file or directory to copy from.  If you choose an option other than <Static> in the Source Environment field, click the button in the field to view the Open File window.



Defines the files that are copied in regular expression terms (instead of static file names), for instance: .*\.txt would be any file with a .txt extension.


Destination Environment 

Indicates the file system or specific cluster where you want the file to be placed.  Options are Local and <Static>. 

Local: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field is in a file system that is local to Process Studio.

<Static>: Specifies that the item specified in the File/Folder field should use the path name in that field, exactly.  Use this if you already know a file path and you simply want to copy and paste it into the window.


Destination File

Indicates the name of the destination environment. If you choose an option other than <Static> in the Destination Environment field, click the button in the field to view the Open File window.

Settings Tab


Field Name



Include Subfolders

If selected, all subdirectories within the chosen directory will be copied as well


Destination is a file

Determines whether the destination is a file or a directory


Copy empty folders

If selected, will copy all directories, even if they are empty the Include Subfolders option must be selected for this option to be valid. (Wildcard MUST be blank for this to work)


Create destination folder

If selected, will create the specified destination directory if it does not currently exist


Replace existing files

If selected, duplicate files in the destination directory will be overwritten


Remove source files 

If selected, removes the source files after copy (a move procedure) 


Copy previous results to arguments

Copies the previous results to arguments.


Add files to result files name

Any files that are copied will appear as a result from this step; shows a list of files that were copied in this step 

Open File Tab


Field Name



Open from Folder

Indicates the path and name of the directory you want to browse.  This directory becomes the active directory.


Up One Level

Displays the parent directory of the active directory shown in the Open from Folder field.



Deletes a folder from the active directory.


Create Folder

Creates a new folder in the active directory.



Displays the active directory, which is the one that is listed in the Open from Folder field.



Applies a filter to the results displayed in the active directory contents.

Add Result Filenames 


Add Result Filenames is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Add Result Filenames process entry adds a set of files or folders to the result list of the process entry. That list of filenames can then be used in the following process entries in the process.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Include subfolders

Include subfolders of the selected folders


Copy previous results to? 

Passes the results of the previous entry to the arguments of this entry.


Clear result filenames?

This option clears the list of result files (from previous process entries) before creating a new list.



Specify the list of files or folders with wildcards (regular expressions) in this grid. You can add a different source/destination on each line. Note: You can use the Add button to add a line to the Files/Folders list.

Delete folders


Delete folders is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Delete folders Process Entry deletes one or more folders and all its contents.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Copy previous results to args: Enable this option if the folders you want to delete come from the result files of the previous process entry in the process.

Success on

Success condition : select one of :

  1. When no error reported : everything deleted just fine
  2. When at least x folders processed : specify x in the Limit field below
  3. When the number of errors less than : specify the max nr of errors in the limit field below


This is the list of all the folders to delete.  You can use the Folder field and these buttons to maintain the list:

  1. Add : add Folder field to the list of folders
  2. Folder : select a folder
  3. Delete : remove the selected folders from the list
  4. Edit : move the selected folder to the Folder field for editing

Delete files


Delete files is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Delete files Process Entry deletes files or folders (can include subfolders) as specified. 



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Include Subfolders

Also delete the subfolders in the folder selection 


Copy previous results to args?

Enable this if the set of files comes from a previous process entry (as part of the result files) 



The file or folder to delete 
NOTE: don't forget to hit the "Add" button to add the file to the list of Files/folder 



The regular expression matching files to delete if the previous option is a folder.  For example to delete all files ending in .dat, the regular expression would be ".*\.dat$".   



The complete list of files/folders to delete 

Delete Result Filenames 


Delete Result Filenames is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Delete Result Filenames process entry deletes all filenames or filenames filtered with wildcard(RegEx), that are in the result files list of the last process entry.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


Limit action to 

Enable this feature if you want to limit the deletion to certain filenames in the result file list. 



The regular expression to limit the files to delete 


Exclude wildcard

The regular expression to exclude certain files from being deleted. 

Wait for files


Wait for files is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Wait for files Process Entry waits for a file. This process entry will sleep and periodically check whether the specified file exists. Once the file is available the flow will continues. The process entry can either wait indefinitely for the file or timeout after a certain time.



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


File name

The name and path of the file to wait for.


Maximum timeout

The maximum timeout in number of seconds, or 0 to wait indefinitely. This is the number seconds after which the flow will continue even if the file was not created. When the timeout is reached the "Success on timeout" option will determine whether the outgoing success or failure hop will be followed.


Check cycle time

The time in seconds between checking for the file. The file will be checked for in the start of the execution and then every "check cycle time" seconds until the maximum timeout is reached. A process can only be stopped every "check cycle time" as else the process entry step will be sleeping. A check cycle time of 30 or 60 seconds seems to be a good trade-off between the period until the file is detected and the required CPU usage.


Success on timeout

This option determines what to do when the "Maximum timeout" has been reached and the file has not been found. If enabled, the process entry will evaluate successfully, and the outgoing success hop will be followed.


File size check

When this is switched on, once the process entry detects the specified file, and will only continue if the file size hasn't changed the last check "cycle time seconds". This is useful in cases where a file is created in the final place, and another process is still writing to the file.  (As a best practice, files should be written to a temporary location, and then moved when completed)

Move files


Move files, is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Move files Process Entry can move a number of files and/or folders to alternate locations on your file system. This works also on remote file systems (via VFS, e.g. with FTP).


General Tab


Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 



Include Subfolders: also move the content of sub-folders

Move empty folders : also move empty folders

Simulate: don't actually move anything, just see if it's possible at all.

Copy previous results to args: use the result files from the previous process entry (entries) as files and/or folders to move.


Files / Folders

You can specify the list of files or folders with destinations and wildcards in this grid. 
You can add a different source/destination on each line. 
NOTE: You can use the "Add" button to add a line to the Files/Folders list

Destination file Tab


Field Name



Destination file

  1. Create destination folder : use this option to create the destination folder
  2. Destination is a file
  3. Do not keep folder structure : flatten the sub-folder structure if any sub-folders are used
  4. Add date to destination filename (yyyyMMdd or 20091231)
  5. Add time to destination filename (HHmmss or 235959)
  6. Specify date time format : allows you to specify your own date-time format. The default is  yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss
  7. Add date before extension
  8. If destination file exists: select one of these options:
  1. Do nothing
  2. Overwrite destination file
  3. Create file with unique name
  4. Delete source file
  5. Move source file to folder : use the lower part of the dialog (next option in this grid)
  6. Fail


Move to folder 

Destination folder : the target folder to move to

  1. Create folder
  2. Add date
  3. Add time
  4. Specify format : allows you to specify your own date-time format. The default is  yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss
  5. If file exists in destination folder: select one of these options:
  6. Do nothing
  7. Overwrite file
  8. Unique name
  9. Fail

Advanced Tab


Field Name



Success on 

Success condition : select one of these option:

  1. Success when all works fine
  2. Success when at least x files moved (specify x in the limit field below)
  3. Success when number of errors lesser than  (specify the max number of errors in the limit field below)


Result files name

Add files to result files name: add the target file names to the list of result files of this process entry for use in the next process entries. 

Create file


Create file is a Process Entry in the File Management Plugin for Process Studio Processes. Create file Process Entry can create an empty file. 



Field Name



Process Entry name

Specify a unique name for the process entry, on the workspace area. A process entry can be placed on the canvas several times; and each instance of the entry must have a unique name. 


File name

The name and path of the file to create an empty file.


Fail if file exists

The process entry will follow the failure outgoing hop when the file to be created already exists (empty or not) and this option is switched on. The default is on.

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