Error handling and capture error screenshot feature in AEUI

Error handling and capture error screenshot feature in AEUI


Below are the features introduced in AEUI.

1. Enable Step Metrics And Logging.

2. Capture Row Data on Workflow Failure.

3. Capture Screenshot on Workflow Failure.


1. Enable Step Metrics And Logging:  

You need to establish a local database connection in the Workflow properties in the Logging tab for the main process or workflow.

All of the workflow fields and step fields will be stored in your local database once the workflow or process has completed running on the server.

2. Capture Row Data on Workflow Failure:

It will only function with the Default Error Handling plugin, which means that error handling is built into the plugin code itself.

For handling external errors, it won't function.

An Excel file listing of plugins that support default error handling is attached.

3. Capture Screenshot on Workflow Failure:

Only the web GUI plugin works with this functionality.

This will capture an error screenshot with the request ID in the below folder location:
Your Drive\AutomationEdge\aehome\tenants\PRAJAKTA_ONPREM\files\Your workflow or process name.

This features is available from AE version 7.3.

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