Authentication Failed: Invalid Agent ID or Password

Authentication Failed: Invalid Agent ID or Password


Error while starting the agent:

com.automationedge.agent.exception.AEAgentAuthenticationFailed: Authentication Failed: Invalid Agent ID or Password

Steps To Reproduce:

- Try to run the agent from a different Machine_User other than Registered machine-user.


Mostly, you will face this error because of the following reasons

- If you have registered the agent from a different location and trying to run the agent from a different location.
- If you are trying to run the agent from a different machine user.
- If your agent entry has deleted from the AEUI but you are trying to run the same from the same folder

These are the possible reasons for the above issue. To check from which machine user or from which location your agent has registered, you can check it on the database. You will find all the agent related details in ae.agent_details table.
Check the details and accordingly start the agent.

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