Appendix 5: O365 Authentication & Permissions

Appendix 5: O365 Authentication & Permissions

Appendix 5: O365 Authentication & Permissions

O365 App Authentication and Permissions

Please perform the steps below for appropriate O365 App Authentication and Permissions.

  1. Go to ‘Azure Active Directory’
  2. Select ‘App registrations’
  3. Select the app which is used in AutomationEdge Workflow.
  4. Go to ‘Authentication’ -> Check ‘Access tokens’ -> Save
  5. Select ‘API permissions’ -> click ‘Add permissions’ -> Click ‘Microdoft Graph’ -> Click ‘Application permissions’
  6. You can then use ‘Office 365: Create User’, ‘Office 365: Assign License’, ‘Office 365: Delete User’ and ‘Office 365: Remove License’ plugin steps
    1. In ‘Select permissions’ search Directory -> Directory.ReadWrite.All -> Check Directory.ReadWrite.All -> Click ‘Add permissions’ button -> It will redirect on ‘API permissions’
  1. You can then use ‘Office 365: Add/Remove Member to Group, Create/Delete Office 365 Group, Create Security Group, 
    1. In ‘Select permissions’ search Group Group.ReadWrite.All -> Check Group.ReadWrite.All -> Click ‘Add permissions’ button -> It will redirect on ‘API permissions’
  1. Click ‘Grant admin consent for ….’  -> You will get confirmation pop-up -> Click ‘Yes’

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