13 Settings

13 Settings


System Settings sub menu is available under Settings.

System Settings

Two settings can be done under System Settings menu,

  1. Server URL
  2. Cleanup Requests older than(Hours)

Setup Server URL and Cleanup Requests

The server URL is the URL (hostname/IP-address and port) of the AE server, as it should be for connecting to AE server from the Intranet/Internet.

To add a server URL:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click System Settings sub-menu. 

Figure 17a: Configure System Settings

  1. You can see that server URL is not configured. Click Configure button to configure system settings for the server.

  1. Initially server URL is not configured. The value of Cleanup Requests older than (Hours) is 0 by default.  You may leave the settings as it is or change it. 

Figure 17b: Update Settings

  1. Here we have provided a server URL as shown below.
  2. In Cleanup Requests older than we have provided a value 36 hours as shown below. It cleans up requests that remain in New state even after 36 hours and marks them as Expired.
  3. Click Verify URL. The server URL is valid message is displayed. 
  4. Click Save.

Figure 17c: Enter and Verify Server URL

  1. System Settings saved successfully message is displayed.

Figure 17dSuccess Message

Configure DR Server URL and Cleanup Requests

You can configure a DR server URL if you have setup a DR server. Refer AutomationEdge Disaster Recovery Guide_R6.1.0 for more details on how to setup Disaster Recovery. If you have already setup DR server, you may follow the steps below to configure the DR server in AutomationEdge.

  1.   |
    You may now configure a DR site by clicking the arrow next to the Configure button and selecting DR site. 

Figure 17e:  Configure DR Site

  1.   |
    You can now see placeholders to provide a DR Server URL and a value for Cleanup Requests older than(Hours). 

Figure 17f: DR Site URL and Cleanup Requests settings

  1. Provide a valid DR Server URL. Click Verify URL. The Server URL is valid message is displayed. Click Save button.


Figure 17g: Save DR Server URL

  1.   |
    The DR Server URL is saved and  System Settings saved successfully message is displayed as seen below.  

Figure 17hDR Server URL saved successfully

  1.   |
    In case you have not yet setup a DR server than you cannot configure it here. If you provide an invalid DR server URL an Invalid URL message is displayed as seen below. 

Figure 17i: Invalid DR Server URL message

Edit or Update Server URL and Cleanup Requests 

To steps to edit server URL are same as those to edit the URL.

  1. Navigate to Settings menu and System Settings sub-menu.
  2. Click Configure button to modify Server URL. 


Figure 17j: Click Configure Button

  1. Provide the changed Server URL. Click Verify and then click Save as shown below. 

  2.   |
    Similarly, you may change the value for Cleanup Requests older than (hours). Click Save. 

Figure 17k: Editing Server URL and or Cleanup Requests older than (hours)

Edit or Update DR Server URL and Cleanup Requests 

Following are the steps to manage DR Server URL.

  1. Click the arrow key next to configure button and select DR Site.


Figure 17l: Open DR Site System Settings

  1.   |
    You may now modify the DR Server URL as well as Cleanup Requests older than value. Click Verify URL and click Save. 

Figure 17m: Provide new DR Site URL

  1. This completes the process of editing or updating Server URL, DR Server URL and Cleanup Requests older than values.


  Note: Server URL or Clean-up Requests older than (hours) cannot be deleted. It can only be edited.


SMTP server is specific to the tenant for which it is configured. AEEngine will use this SMTP server to send emails.


Following are the steps to configure SMTP,

  1. Go to Settings menu and SMTP sub-menu.
  2. Click Add SMTP button.

Figure 18a: Add SMTP

  1. Configure SMTP in the form below.

Figure 18b: SMTP configuration page

  1. Enter SMTP configurations as shown below. 
  2. Click Test Connection. Test Connection Successful Message appears. Email message is received on Successful ‘Test Connection’. 


Figure 18c: SMTP Test connection successful

  1. SMTP Test Connection Message is received on Email.

Figure 18d: SMTP Test Connection Message on Email

  1. Click Save. SMTP Settings Saved Successfully message appears. 

Figure 18e: SMTP configuration Success Message

Table 22: SMTP Server Configuration Details



SMTP host

Provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the LDAP server.


Provide the port number for LDAP connectivity(e.g. for gmail SMTP server SSL 465 TLS 582)


Enable checkbox to use authentication to connect to the SMTP server.


Provide a username for authentication


If Authenticate is enabled Password field is visible. Provide password for authentication

Encryption type

Choose from list: None, SSL or TLS

Personal name

This is personal name which will appear as from name in email. This is an optional field.


Test Connection Button

Test Connection functionality is to validate SMTP details. Click Test Connection Button to validate/test SMTP connectivity with details provided. 

Save Button

Click to save SMTP configurations.

Cancel Button

Click to Cancel.


Following are the steps to edit SMTP configuration.

  1. Go to Settings and SMTP sub-menu.  Click on the edit button. 

Figure 18fEdit SMTP Configuration

  1. Make necessary modifications and click Test. SMTP Test Connection successful message appears.


Figure 18gTest SMTP Connection

  1. Click Save. 


Figure 18hSave SMTP configuration

SMTP: Delete

Following are the steps to delete SMTP configuration.

  1. Go to Settings menu and SMTP sub-menu.  Click on the Delete button. 

Figure 18i: Delete SMTP configuration

  1. Acknowledge Delete SMTP configuration. 

Figure 18j: Confirm SMTP configuration deletion

  1. SMTP configuration deleted successfully message appears. 

Figure 18k: SMTP configuration deleted

Settings: Features/Permissions for other users

Table 23: Settings Features




Tenant Administrator

Workflow Administrator

User Administrator

Agent Administrator

Tenant User

Activity Monitor

Configure SMTP












Sysadmin Policy

Sysadmin Policy menu for the current System Administrator (sysadmin) user can be set here. Sysadmin Policy has the following options,

  1. Number of Invalid Attempts

In case of invalid attempts crossing the defined limit, System Administrator is locked. It is unlocked

  1. In the nightly job or
  2. Upon Password reset, after answering the Security Questions correctly.
  1. Password Policy

The password policy for the System Administrator can be set here.

View Sysadmin Policy

Following, are the details of Sysadmin Policy page.

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu and Sysadmin Policy sub-menu. You can now see the Sysadmin Policy screen as shown below.
  2. In the screenshot below Miscellaneous section is expanded.  Under Miscellaneous System Administrator can set Number of Attempts.

Figure 19a: Sysadmin Policy

  1. In the screenshot below Password Policy section is expanded
  2. The default values for the different password policy options are shown on the left hand end of the bar. The current value of the password policy and maximum values are shown on the right hand end.
  3. You may scroll the blue circles left or right to change these values. Below is a sample partial screenshot of Sysadmin Policy menu with modified settings.

Figure 19b: Scroll Circle to change Policy configurations

All the policies are explained in the table below. The default policy rules/values are also provided in the table.

Table 24: Miscellaneous and Password Policy Attributes

Policy Complexity attribute

Default Rules


Number of Attempts

As seen in the figure set the value for Number of Attempts between zero and ten (0-10). The default attempt limit is 0, i.e. there is no limit on the number of wrong password attempts. 

The number of login attempts can be set for System Administrator. User is notified with remaining number of attempts every time when he/she tries to login with wrong password as seen in the snapshot below. 

In case of invalid attempts crossing the defined limit, System Administrator account is locked as seen below.

The locked user account can be unlocked only by the System Administrator by setting a new password. It is unlocked

  1. In the nightly job or
  2. Upon Password reset, after answering the Security Questions correctly.

When user logins the first time after unlocking the account he/she will be forced to change password.

This is also applicable to LDAP users. For unlocking native users System Administrator has to provide a new password, however there no requirement for password resetting in case of LDAP users 

Password Policy

Password Expiry/

Maximum password age (In months)

As seen in the figure set the value for Password Expiry (In months) between zero and twelve (0-12). The default is Password Expiry Months is 0, i.e. there is no password expiry. The Password Expiry (In months) can be set by the Tenant Administrator. 

This policy forces the user to change their passwords within duration set by the Tenant Administrator. The duration is set in months. User must change their password within that duration otherwise he/she will be forced to change password .User will be notified before 15 days,7 days , 1 day and on the day of password expiry, at the time of login. 

Password History

Default and minimum value of password history is one (1), i.e. the new password changed by user is checked with at least one previous password.  

When Tenant Administrator changes the default value of password history to greater than 1, then after that whenever user changes password, system starts to store the user’s passwords in a password history table. Any new password changed by user is checked with all previous passwords present in history table

This feature will force user to use new passwords when he changes the password. Depending on the setting, users will not be able to use the last ‘N’ passwords while changing it as seen below.

User will notified with an error message if new password is same as one of the old passwords.

Password Complexity

Password Complexity comprises the following five attributes also seen in the screenshot below.

  1. Maximum Length/Length of Password

As seen in the figure set the value for Maximum Length in between six and twenty (6-20). The default value is 20, i.e. the maximum length can be up to 20 characters. 

  1. Minimum Uppercase

As seen in the figure set the value for Minimum Uppercase in between zero and seventeen (0-17). The default value is 1, i.e. there must be at least one uppercase letter.

  1. Minimum Lowercase

As seen in the figure set the value for Minimum Uppercase in between zero and seventeen (0-17). The default value is 1, i.e. there must be at least one Lowercase letter.

  1. Minimum Special Characters

As seen in the figure set the value for Minimum Uppercase in between zero and seventeen (0-17). The default value is 1, i.e. there must be at least one Special Character [@,#,$,&,_].

  1. Minimum Digits

As seen in the figure set the value for Minimum Digits in between zero and seventeen (0-17). The default value is 1, i.e. there must be at least one Digit. 

Change Sysadmin Policy

Following are the steps to change the Sysadmin policy,

  1. System Administrators can change Tenant policies by scrolling the blue circles left or right to change these values.
  2. Let us scroll the blue circle on Password history to the right. It is now place at 2 as can be seen on the right hand end. The user will not be allowed to use the previous two passwords.
  3. Click Save.

Figure 19c: Scroll Modify Password History

  1. A confirm policy pop-up window appears. As you can see it shows number of last password(s) to be checked is 2. The other policies remain the same. 

Figure 19d: Confirm new password policy

  1. Password policy updated successfully message appears.

Figure 19e: Password Policy updated successfully message

  1. This completes the process of setting password policies.

Security Questions

Under Settings menu the second menu option is Security Settings. During your first login if you skipped Set Security Questions then upon clicking Security Settings menu option Set Security Questions page is displayed else Reset Security Settings page is displayed. 

Set Security Questions

The Set Security Questions,

  1. During your first login if you skipped, Set Security Questions the Set Security Questions page is displayed with a warning message, Security questions are not set by you. 

Figure 20a: Security Questions not set warning message

  1. Choose from the set of questions as listed below. Select a question and provide an answer. Repeat this for the three questions. 

Figure 20b: List of Security Questions

  1. A sample list of questions and answers is chosen below. Click Save or Skip. 

Figure 20c: Choose questions and set answers

  1. If Save is clicked a Security questions set successfully message is displayed as shown below on the Tenant menu. 

Figure 20d: Security questions set successfully message

  1. If Skip is clicked Security questions are not set and it also takes you to the Tenant menu as shown below. 

Figure 20e:  Tenant menu on completion of Set security questions

Reset Security Questions

Following are the steps to reset Security Questions. 

  1. Navigate to the SettingsSecurity Questions Menu.
  2. If security questions have already been set before then the Reset Security Questions page is displayed.

Figure 20f:  Reset Security Questions

  1. Choose questions from a list of questions as displayed in the drop down for each of the three questions.

Figure 20g: Choose a set of questions

  1. Sample questions and answers are shown below. Click Save.

Figure 20h: Set security questions and answers

  1. Upon Save the user is directed to the Tenant page. A message is displayed showing Security questions updated successfully. 

Figure 20i: Security questions updated successfull

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