10 Purging

10 Purging


Few tables in AutomationEdge database get populated with a large amount of data.  Over a period of time the records in these tables need to be purged so that the system can run optimally

Purging allows setup a Purge Policy and Purge Schedule to purge these database tables as needed. This results in, reduction of database and disk space usage and in turn increases AutomationEdge system performance. 

Purging option is available for the following data tables,

  1. Audit Logs 
  2. Workflow Requests 
  3. Notification History

On AE UI a Purging menu under Settings has been introduced for purging this data. Purging has three menu options, Purge Policy, Purge Schedule and Archives. 


Following are the Purging options permissions,      

  1. A System Administrator has permissions to setup Purge Policy and Purge Schedule, 
  2. A Tenant Administrator can only edit the Purge Policy at the Tenant level setup by a System Administrator. A Tenant Administrator cannot setup or edit a Purge Schedule.
  3. Tenant level Archives are only visible with an option to download to Tenant Administrators.

Since a System Administrator has permissions to setup and view only Purge Policy and Purge Schedule, these two menu options are discussed below,

Purge Policy

Purge Policy determines Purge Duration (in months) for each of the table data for Audit Logs, Workflow Requests and Notification History.  A System Administrator can set a Purge Policy while a Tenant Administrator can only edit the policy. 

Following are the steps to create a Purge policy,

  1. Navigate to PurgingPurge Policy menu
  2. Click Add button 

Figure 13a: Add Purge policy

  1. The Purge Policy page appears. 

Figure 13bPurge Policy Configurations

  1. Provide desired Purge Duration in months for each of the four tables. 
  2. Set Notification details.  Click Save.  

Figure 13cPurge policy details

  1. Purge Policy saves successfully message is displayed as seen below.   

Figure 13d: Purge Policy Saved Successfully

Purge Schedule

A System Administrator can create a Purge Schedule whereas a Tenant Administrator can only view a Purge Schedule created by the System Administrator.

Following are the steps to create a Purge Schedule,

  1. Navigate to PurgingPurge Schedule menu.
  2. Click Add button.  

Figure 13e: Add Purge Schedule

  1. Purge Schedule configuration page appears based on Day of Month as seen below. 

Figure 13f: Purge Schedule Configuration

  1. Criteria dropdown has two values Day of Month and Day of Week as seen below.

Figure 13g: Choose Purge Schedule Criteria

  1. Let us setup a Purge Schedule based on Day of Month as seen below. Click Save. 

Figure 13h: Purge Schedule Details based on Day of Month

  1. Purge Schedule created successfully message appears as seen below.  

Figure 13i: Purge Schedule Created

  1. You may now edit this schedule or delete this schedule and create a new schedule.
  2. Select the second option for Criteria from the drop down list is Day of Week. Purge Schedule configuration page appears as below.

Figure 13jPurge Schedule Details based on Day of Week

  1. This completes the process to create a Purge Schedule.

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